AIPM has sent youth workers to the UK for 18 years. Fifty committed young Americans have served in 28 British churches since we began in 2002. Of the 50, twenty-three came from Dallas Baptist University! This was largely because Christy Gandy (nee Brasier) served with Amy Shelton at Thornaby Baptist Church in 2005. They did a wonderful job and thoroughly enjoyed their ministry.
After the Thornaby assignment, Amy returned to Texas A and M and Christy returned to DBU. Christy had caught a vision of the value of youth ministry in England and actively recruited others to go. After graduation, Christy was on staff at DBU and continued letting students know of the opportunity in Britain.
AIPM values the partnership with DBU very highly! When Jacob Murphy reminded us recently of their “Service Learning” recruitment efforts at the beginning of each school year, we jumped at the opportunity to set up a table and meet with students on August 24, 2020. Dr. Robert Shehane, a retired IMB missionary who served 32 years, and Brittany Clement (nee Currier), a DBU graduate in 2012, attended and were so pleased to meet several DBU students and tell them of the work in the UK. We pray that these brief sessions will result in a number of DBU students volunteering to serve in England.

Dr. Robert and Mrs. Carel Shehane
Brittany Clement and Son
Robert and Brittany passed out fliers about this ministry. The fliers listed the 23 DBU students who have served and a map of England showing all the churches we have helped. We can email a copy of the flier to you if you will write to mccombch@aol.com. Or, you may phone for a paper copy at 281-799-1869 (Chuck McComb).

AIPM Display at DBU Service Learning Promotion
Brittany and DBU Students